Friday, December 12, 2014

My favorite Christmas memory

My favorite Christmas memory was when my family went to Disneyland for three days.

TED Talk #14

  1. Péter Fankhauser
  2. Meet Razero, the dancing ball bot 
  3. This robot was created by college undergrads it is a robot made on a ball meaning it can move on its own axis, it can also follow people around, and can be used to carry equipment.
  4. From this talk I learned that this robot is free roaming, it can perform various task, and carry supplies.
  5. From this talk I look forward to seeing this robot being used in hospitals to carry peoples IV's.

TED Talk #13

  1. Tania Luna
  2. How a penny made me feel like a millionaire 
  3. This talk talked about how she felt like a millionaire because she came from a poor lifestyle, she wanted to buy gum, and she thought only a rich man would leave money behind.
  4. From this talk I learned about how everyone from different countries viewed things
  5. After hearing this woman's story she might have felt like a millionaire because she had a penny,but we would view that differently.

TED Talk #12

1.  Avi Reichental:

2.  What's next in 3D printing?

3.  The talk talked about how 3D printing can be used in everyday life, how we already use it for example hearing aids are made from 3D printing, and finally how it can help improve our future.

4.  From this talk I learn that 3D paper is sturdy and not made out of printer paper, I did not know that we are already using 3D printers, and finally that we can make things to scale with 3D printers to fit us.

5. This talk changed me because I have a cousin who uses a hearing aid and it does wonders for her so I look forward to what the 3D printer will do next.

Combination of Video Journals; 14, 15, 16, 17

Saturday, November 8, 2014

TED Talk #11

  1. aas&Hahn
  2. How painting can transform communities
  3. This talk was about how color can change your environment, different colors mean different things,  and the positive effect color has on a society. 
  4. I thought the talk was inspiring, colorful, and entertaining when I saw how the citizens take the colors in a positive way. 
  5. This talk changed my view on civilizations that jaded instead of trying to build them fancy looking houses we should paint inspiring murals.

Friday, October 31, 2014

TED Talk #10

  1. Sergei Lupashin
  2. A flying camera...on a leash
  3. There were a series of points presented in this talk, but they all surrounded around this idea of having a way to let others know who is in charge of the camera.
  4. I think the camera will be better,safer, and more durable compared to the metal blade  propelled cameras
  5. It enlightened me on the subject of  how focused the pilot of these camera planes have to be in order to keep everyone safe.

TED Talk #9

1.  Who was the presenter?

Meaghan Ramsey

2.  What is the title of the talk?   
Why thinking you're ugly is bad for you
3.  What were 3 major points of the presentation?  
That we should view ourselves higher then we usually do, how having a negative view of ourselves can be detremental to our health, and that we should compliment others.

4.  What were 3 of your thoughts about the talk? 
I thought it was informative,helpful, and it encouraged me to have a postive look at myself.

5.  In what way did this talk change you? 
This talk changed me to have a postive view towards myself and that I do not need to compare myself to others.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Video In Letters Tutorial (Premiere)

From this tutorial I learned how to use the ghost filter on a text to make the illusion of the video being inside the text. Another thing I learned is that whatever you put between the ghost layer and the video clip will throw off the effect.

Friday, October 17, 2014

TED Talk #8

  1. The presenter of this talk is Jeff Illif
  2. The title of this talk is One more reason to get a good night's sleep
  3. Three major points from the talk are that sleep is important for your health, sleep help replenish your brain with fluids while you sleep, and the brain is like a fabulous machine.
  4. I found it interesting that the brain cells shrink when you sleep this allows the fluid to get around and clean your brain, I found the 3D diagram of the mouses brain interesting it showed the fluids go through the brain, and part when he talked about Alzehimers and how the lack of sleep can set you up for a higher chance of it.
  5. This talk made me want to go to sleep in a good way I always like the feel of a good night's sleep.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

TED Talk #7

  1. The presenters of this talk are Steve Ramirez and Xu Liu
  1. The title of the talk is A mouse. A laser beam. A manipulated memory.
  1. The three major points in this presentation were mainly about the brain: the hippocampus, how your brain can spontaneously bring up memories,  and how a mouse in a maze can leave a maze in the speed of light.
  1. I learned three things from this talk: I learned about the hippocampus, memory triggers, and how certain events can flip the switch to your memory. 
  1.  In this talk I learned that reason you cannot remember things is because  the current situation is not switchung that certain memory

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Quick Starter: October 1, 2014

The media plays a role in reflecting how our society acts in both a negative and positive way sometimes it can alter the way we view others and ourselves, but the positive effects of our media is how fast we can spread information like with the Ebola virus we were able to hear about it as soon as it happened instead of being left with uncertainties of the outside world.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

TED Talk #6

  1. Margaret Heffernan was the presenter of this talk.
  2. The title of the TED Talk is The Dangers of "willful blindness".
  3. One of the points in the talk was that found a toxic chemical that was exposing itself to everyone in Libby, Montana which caused people to die earlier, another point is that we can see  willful blindness in our daily life, finally the last point is that the whistleblowers in our society get a bad name.
  4. I found it interesting that when people found out about this life threatening thing that they not want to do anything about it, I think that if something is causing harm to people they should have the right to know and whatever that is threatening them should be eradicated, and finally that lots of people would decide to go into situations with wilful blindness rather than 

Monday, September 29, 2014


In the video I learned how to add a border around a clip this border can also be altered you can change the length, width, height ,and thickness of your border. The color of your border can change to by clicking on the color box because it usually defaults to black. The smoothness of the border can change to it can go from smooth perfect lines to jagged and gnarly like shark teeth.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Quick Starter: September 25, 2014

I would not change our class goal it states the basics-our goal and what we want to do-adding anymore would make it lose its fundamental purpose which is a goal that we are trying to obtain for the school year. This class goal does reflect our goals for the class because we want to learn, use, and demonstrate the skills we learn in class for our portfolio.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Little Red Hen

  1. The little red hen wanted to bake bread with everyone so they can get everyone to work.
  2. Because they kept making excuses on why they should not bake with the little red hen due to selfish reasons like losing welfare instead .
  3. The little red hen did not want to bake again because she knew that all of her hard work would fall into the hands of those who are not willing to work.
  4. The difference between stealing and taking little hen's bread is that there is that one is legal-taking the little hen's bread- and the other-stealing-is not. 

Monday, September 22, 2014

Quick Starter: September 22, 2014

  1. Our role in learning for this class is to challenge ourselves, become lifelong learners, and to be creative.
  2. In order to help our learning process we will have a portfolio for our assignment which will contain the skills that we learned in order to help our learning process.
  3. Mr. Larsen's will play the role of a guide for us during our learning process.
  4. Mr. Larsen can help us by providing questions when we our stuck or morale support for our projects.
  5. My learning process is through experience and time when I am working on something I do not expect to know everything on the first try,and that it might take me awhile until I mastered it.

Friday, September 19, 2014

TED Talk #5

  TED Talk Questions 

After listening to the talk, answer the following questions:

1.  Jennifer Golbeck

2.  The Curly Fry Conundrum: Why Social Media "likes" say more than you think

- That they can survey billions of people through the use of likes on Facebook 

-Companies can send you information like coupons and advertising based on what you liked

-Nothing is really private on Facebook or any social media

4. -This video supports the idea on how nothing is private on the internet

-The video makes you want to make a double check on what you do on the internet

-I do not mind that they are collecting data based on what you like or share because if you did not want people to know about it then do not post it.

5.  This video makes me think that I should take caution of what I post,like,or share online.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

One minute highlight video

The Source Window: What is it's function?

The source window is used to separate the clips audio and video you can do that by dragging the one of the two icons underneath the image/clip this will separate the two if you only wanted just the clip or just the audio.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Photoshop Tutorial #2

TED Talk #4

  1. The presenter was Clint Smith
  2. The title of the talk is The danger of silence
  3. -That we spend too much time telling people things they want to hear, -No one is doing anything to make a change, -We should not be afraid to speak out 
  4. My thoughts on the talk are this helping others, the importance of your voice, and to stop the appeasement of others.
  5. This talk makes me think about how important one voice can be and that we can change the world by starting with one voice.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

TED Talk #3

  1. The presenter of this TED Talk was Janet Iwasa
  2. The title of the talk was How animation can help scientist test a hypothesis
  3. -By having animations it gives the scientist a better visual than a drawing, -Now that this software is available scientist are allowed to experiment with it and advance from their pencil and paper,-By showing a animation scientist can experiment with the step by step process of certain diseases.
  4. -I feel that this will raise the demand for 3D animators which is a good thing, -Having the software available to everyone will allow everyone to at least have some knowledge about animating,-We can advance on finding cures for diseases if we can observe the step by step process.
  5.  The talk changed me in a good way it shows that we are taking the time to update our resources and keep up with the current technology.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Quick Starter: September 11, 2014

The United States is one of the six super powers in the world the role that we tend to play is the rescuer in situations whenever there is a crisis the United States is expected to be there to help out.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

AlicetoCAT.avi Response

The problem with Alice is that she asks the cat for directions,but she also says that it does not matter where she goes and the cat responds by saying if it does not matter then why should I tell you where to go. The kind of path that I have set myself will be productive to me later on in life when I decide I want to go to college and get a job. Depending on the choices you make whether they are good or bad they will impact our path.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Quick Starter: September 4

Three things that I like about myself is

  1. I am creative- I love to draw and I personally believe I am good at it.
  2. I am a good listener- I listen to what people have to say
  3. I am organized- My organization skills help me keep track of my homework and important papers.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Quick Starter: September 3

    • A principle is- a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a belief or behavior  for a chain of reasoning.

  • Whenever I am making a decision they have to at least go through one of the three principles: whatever decision I make I have to know that I will be able to go through with it, whatever decision I make will I be able to live with the long-term consequences, and finally from the decision I made would I be able to learn from this for a future reference. To put these principles into one word I follow: integrity, responsibility, and respect.

Monday, September 1, 2014

TED Talk 2

After listening to the talk, answer the following questions:

1.  Who was the presenter?

-The presenter was Jarrett J. Krosoczka.
2.  What was the Title or Subject of the talk?   
-"Why lunch ladies are heroes" was the title of the talk
3.  What were 3 major points of the presentation?  
1.) That lunch ladies are important and deserve appreciation.
2.)They feed our children and without the lunch ladies who will give them the substance that they need to get them through the day.
3.)We have teacher app reaction day, but we do not have a day for the lunch ladies
4.  What were 3 of your thoughts about the talk? 
1.)I thought it was a good thing that he is portraying the lunch ladies as heroes to the little children.
2.)I felt that it is appropriate to have a day to show your appreciation to our fellow lunch ladies.
3.)I like it when they said over 50 million children participated in their lunch lady appreciation day.
5.  In what way did this talk change you? 

It made me think about the unsung heroes that work in the cafeteria and serve me my lunch with a smile.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Quick Starter:August 25

Without trying to sound to sappy I would say the most important thing to me is my family. I would say that my family would be at the top because even though you may not get along with or agree with everything your family says you can still learn somethings about the world through them and make your own decisions based on the experiences your family went through. Another thing about family is that they can give you a vision of how you want to see yourself in life based on the choices they made for example your mom did x,y,and z and now she is a world renowned brain surgeon do I want to follow in my family's footsteps or give myself a different ending for better or for worse.

Monday, August 18, 2014

TED Talk (Ken Robinson) Questions

1.  Who was the presenter?

The presenter for this TED Talk was Ken Robinson.

2.  What was the Title or Subject of the talk?   

 Changing Education Paradigm

3.  What were 3 major points of the presentation?  

The first point was when he described a school to a factory the second point was when he was comparing other to one another and how as you travel East the education system seems to be more lax and, the final point would be when the children's grades performed lower as they grew up.

4.  What were 3 of your thoughts about the talk? 
  1. I thought it was an interesting view to put on the education system and how it is similar to a factory.
  2.  I was surprised to here that as you traveled East the education system became more lax I would have expect the opposite because of the schools there like Harvard.
  3. I agreed when they talked about how everyone is herded into these classrooms based on age and not academic level.
5.  In what way did this talk change you? 

Since I heard this talk before I thought I would feel indifferent about this talk, but when I listened to it again I caught a few things like the comparison to school and a factory.