Friday, October 31, 2014

TED Talk #10

  1. Sergei Lupashin
  2. A flying camera...on a leash
  3. There were a series of points presented in this talk, but they all surrounded around this idea of having a way to let others know who is in charge of the camera.
  4. I think the camera will be better,safer, and more durable compared to the metal blade  propelled cameras
  5. It enlightened me on the subject of  how focused the pilot of these camera planes have to be in order to keep everyone safe.

TED Talk #9

1.  Who was the presenter?

Meaghan Ramsey

2.  What is the title of the talk?   
Why thinking you're ugly is bad for you
3.  What were 3 major points of the presentation?  
That we should view ourselves higher then we usually do, how having a negative view of ourselves can be detremental to our health, and that we should compliment others.

4.  What were 3 of your thoughts about the talk? 
I thought it was informative,helpful, and it encouraged me to have a postive look at myself.

5.  In what way did this talk change you? 
This talk changed me to have a postive view towards myself and that I do not need to compare myself to others.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Video In Letters Tutorial (Premiere)

From this tutorial I learned how to use the ghost filter on a text to make the illusion of the video being inside the text. Another thing I learned is that whatever you put between the ghost layer and the video clip will throw off the effect.

Friday, October 17, 2014

TED Talk #8

  1. The presenter of this talk is Jeff Illif
  2. The title of this talk is One more reason to get a good night's sleep
  3. Three major points from the talk are that sleep is important for your health, sleep help replenish your brain with fluids while you sleep, and the brain is like a fabulous machine.
  4. I found it interesting that the brain cells shrink when you sleep this allows the fluid to get around and clean your brain, I found the 3D diagram of the mouses brain interesting it showed the fluids go through the brain, and part when he talked about Alzehimers and how the lack of sleep can set you up for a higher chance of it.
  5. This talk made me want to go to sleep in a good way I always like the feel of a good night's sleep.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

TED Talk #7

  1. The presenters of this talk are Steve Ramirez and Xu Liu
  1. The title of the talk is A mouse. A laser beam. A manipulated memory.
  1. The three major points in this presentation were mainly about the brain: the hippocampus, how your brain can spontaneously bring up memories,  and how a mouse in a maze can leave a maze in the speed of light.
  1. I learned three things from this talk: I learned about the hippocampus, memory triggers, and how certain events can flip the switch to your memory. 
  1.  In this talk I learned that reason you cannot remember things is because  the current situation is not switchung that certain memory

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Quick Starter: October 1, 2014

The media plays a role in reflecting how our society acts in both a negative and positive way sometimes it can alter the way we view others and ourselves, but the positive effects of our media is how fast we can spread information like with the Ebola virus we were able to hear about it as soon as it happened instead of being left with uncertainties of the outside world.