Friday, September 25, 2015

Elements of Movie Design and Setup

  1. What type of lead lines provide balance?
  2. What is it called when the focus is being pulled from one point of interest to another?
  3. What point lighting is used for green screens?
  4. The popular lighting tool from the 80's is?
  5. What lens works for close ups?
  6. 21mm, 18mm, and 41 mm camera lenses are used for?
  7. This lens functions as a telescope?
  8. Moving the camera right to left is called?
  9. Crane movement is a combination of what?
  10. When the frame is divided into nine boxes what rule is this?

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Reflection Quiz

I used Ctrl-J to make the copy and used the opacity tool in the mirror to make it look like a reflection.

Shadow Effect

       Ctrl click the thumbnail and make sure black is your foreground color and press Alt Backspace. To get the shadow effect click Filter-Blur-Gaussian Blur-2 pixels. I made another layer and made the blur 6 pixels the copied layer I made I put a mask on it used the gradient tool so it can have that faded look. Ctrl- I inverts the colors

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Reflection Effect

Text Wrap Effect Using Shape Tools

I used a rectangle tool and placed the ellipse tool onto of it while holding Alt. to cut out the rectangle to give that rounded effect. After that I used the text tool and clicked inside the rectangle.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Wood Tutorial

I placed different layers on top of one another and used the rectangular(and circular) marquee tool pressing the buttons Ctrl + Delete/Backspace to show the layer below.

Adobe Illustrator: Princess Amythyst of GemWorld

The one on the left is mine and the other one is the original image.